Monday, June 14, 2010


Ten hours from Florence by train, I have been in Nice for three days. My French officially sucks. I miss my special man. I miss my little farting numpty pig-faced pup. But I eat my weight in fruit and crepes chaque jour! Hopefully will head over to Italy for Ingorgo Sonoro 2010 as it's in two weeks. Still recovering from alcoholism that is the nightlife of Firenze. Now to the beach!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nice, Summer 2010

Crossing fingers and toes. Exams almost done!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

londonlondon I love you

London was fantastic, if it wasn't for the weather I'd be working on a transfer from Concordia asap. I've applied for a job at a French Language school in Nice for two months this summer and am crossing my fingers and toes. Apart from that I have no other plans, not even a job here as a plan b. Nice is a city I know well enough, and 6 hours and a 30 euro train ticket from Florence.
Ahhhhh! I want! I want! I want!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Private Lives (kim cattrall matthew macfadyen)

Went to the theatre last night to see Kim Cattrall and Matthew MacFadyen in Noel Coward's, Private Lives. I wasn't sure what to expect because I really wasn't familiar with the play and it was a spectacular performance!
Kim Cattrall and Matthew MacFadyen's lightning fast banter and natural chemistry kept me both on the edge of my seat and laughing non-stop.
The theatre was packed! Everyone seemed to enjoy it tremendously, a very successful opening night.
Tonight I'm off to see Harold Pinter's The Caretaker with Jonathan Pryce, and Friday The Misanthrope with Keira Knightley.
Until then, I'll be wandering around Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament and Downey Street.

Friday, February 19, 2010

My cousin came over for dinner last night, we had a potluck and I made parmesan chicken and chocolate fondant. Yumyumyum. They have a great recipe for it on the BBC website. The chicken is super easy except that our pan decided to suck all the cheese from the chicken and not let go - I must invest in non-stick pans of a good size. The only one we have fits about one egg or half a chicken breast, it just won't do!

Leaving for London in a few hours! I can't remember the plays and comedy shows we have booked but I know they'll be great. I am going to actually try to take some of my own pictures this time.

Monday, February 15, 2010

London awaits

I can't wait for Friday!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thailand, check. England, pending.

Neglectful much?
Thailand was spectacular. I have never been to a place more beautiful. I imagined Bangkok to be very similar to Jakarta, as that is my only experience in south eastern Asia. Instead it was much more similar to Tokyo. Bumping city life, fantastic nights out, safe at all times. Krabi (Phuket) is the most stunning place I have ever seen. We stayed at the Rayavadee Resort on a peninsula which is surrounded by rock cliffs, so you have to get there by boat. I can't put into words how amazing it was. All I want to do is cook green curry every day, and dream of the Thai sun.
But my tan is already fading fast. :(